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Before we were born, God knew us and determined what talents He would give each individual.   In my opinion, a good example would be Elvis Presley’s voice. It was a built-in ability from the Lord and as a result he became the King of Rock and Roll. God is the potter and we are the clay.   Whether we are raised by parent’s who teach us about God or not, God is always beckoning us unto Himself from the moment we are conceived. His workmanship within us will not cease until we are promoted to the ever after. This week, I want to share with you a bird’s eye view into a life that I am especially thankful that God created and chose to cross my path with some 37 years ago.   My lovely lady friend, Michelle has graciously given me permission to write a blog about her.

Michelle and I both accepted Christ in our early years.   We went to church together because her family chose to include me.   Truth be told, we have always been more like sisters and like a true sister, she never neglected to remind me that she was the older and wiser one of the two.

The DNA information that was given to Michelle includes special ability for comedy, writing poetry and leadership.   I am privileged to have been at the receiving end of all 3 of these gifts. Not at the time but now, in hindsight, it was humorous being left on the side of a long, deserted, backwoods road half asleep, having been jolted awake, as the result of a practical joke. Years later, she presented me with a beautiful personal poem as a wedding gift and after another 15 years, she invited me to be a part of her prayer team.

We choose, if we will use our talents for or against God and often our choices change with life experience.  Michelle married her high school sweetheart and had two wonderful children. As she walked through her journey of life, she would sometimes include God, however her first husband was more interested in living life for himself. After raising her children, Michelle went into business and quickly climbed the corporate ladder. The company she was in business with may have helped her sharpen her skills but her ability in leadership was given by God and became very evident to me.   I would not say her skill was being used for the glory of God but rather for personal gain.   When her marriage ended, Michelle recommitted her life to the Lord and her passion for Him ignited. God continued to bless Michelle with a godly second husband.   After being presented with the idea of a prayer box, Michelle started using her God given ability to enhance and grow God’s kingdom.   It started small with a few friends who committed to praying for the names that were chosen from the box each day.   The conditions of being a prayer warrior were:

  1. To ask people if they wanted to be prayed for sporadically,
  2. Put names into the box,
  3. Once the name was chosen, call the person and ask them for their prayer request,
  4. Report requests back to the prayer chain, and
  5. Pray intermittently for that person throughout the day.

This initiative grew very quickly. People loved the idea and those of us praying saw God’s hand at work. It was exciting. The prayer box consisted of prayer warriors from different parts of the world and we communicated via texting and email. The prayer box even made the national news.

Observing her life for this many years has brought me to the conclusion that God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable; can never be withdrawn; and are without repentance. Of course, His word is always true but I like seeing the evidence displayed for me. I believe Michelle would agree that experiencing God allows us to realize how satisfying our God given purposes are.  While drawing close to Him makes us realize how wonderful and needed His presence is.